Sacred Celebration
A sacred way to celebrate on your birthday
It's my birthday today. I've always loved birthdays and adored being the center of attention for the day, the gifts and the cake.
As I've grown into adulthood it's become apparent that I have expectations that are just not being met every year. Sure, I have people around me that try to make the day special but some years that happens and others it doesn't. In the past this has left me with a feeling of disappointment. Do you recognise that?
On my self-care journey I have learned that it is my own responsibility to make myself happy. I can't expect others to fulfil my very high and unrealistic expectations every single birthday. So I've done something about it. I found something really special that has made my last few birthdays full of joy and self-love.
2 years ago I discovered a Sacred Self-care Birthday Ritual from this blog that transformed my birthday. I love it so much that I now plan space and time for it EVERY birthday.
I want my birthday to be special, so I make it special. Regardless of what other people plan for me I am already joy full. It also means I don't expect anything, so if and when I receive any surprises it’s a bonus.
Here are some ideas of what I will be doing this year and what you might like to try:
Relaxing bath in my tub (you can do foot bath if you don't have a tub)
This is where you release any pain, regrets, guilt, frustrations and sorrow from the year. Anything that has happened that you want to let go of.
Lighting candles - 1 for each year
Set up my diffuser with oils which are calling to m
Put on my favorite music
Oracle cards
Ceremonial Cacao - or champagne, you do you!
Gift for yourself - Get yourself what you really want, wrap it up and open it on your birthday.
Then I reflect and journal on:
My gratitude of the year
Where I am on my life journey
Pictures from the year past
Feeling into my desires for the next year and making a wish to the Universe
“Next I ask for a birthday gift that only the Giver of Good can bestow: to conceive a wonderful new dream or plan; to realize a dream delayed; to overcome an old fear or be released from an old pain; to experience a new freedom; to discover a new strength; to find a new friend; to achieve a long-sought goal; to reach toward a new aspiration; to overcome a new challenge.
I sip a glass of champagne, then slowly open a beautifully wrapped gift from my authentic self. And of course, it’s the perfect present.”
I love to reflect and go deep, so this is absolutely my forte. It feels like a new year, a new beginning in a way. It's a great chance to be intentional about my next year around the sun.
You can make it into anything that really nourishes you and fills you up. That can be going for a hike, reading a book, taking a pedicure, watching movies in your pyjamas all day.
I find that all this reflection helps me see how far I've come and love myself even more. Taking this time for myself is the ultimate self-love expression. When I don't NEED something from someone else and I fulfil my own desires, I have so much more to give. I am in overflow.
““Many people who love you will try, but no one can celebrate your birthday exactly the way you need for it to be observed. That’s because no one really knows the year you’ve just completed; no one else has lived it. What’s more, each year is different. Your thirty-second and forty-eighth birthday won’t begin to resemble each other. Your husband, lover, children, friends, and co-workers can be aware of recent events that have unfolded in your life, but only your authentic self knows how deeply these events reverberated.””
Are you going to try this out next birthday? Let me know in the comments!