Elin Hemnes

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Shift your energy and feel inspired

Do you ever feel stagnant and lathargic? Are you longing for something more?

In the last few months on occasion, I’ve noticed I've felt low. I have a really solid foundations in my self-care and rituals that help to bring me right back to balance, so I don't stay there for long anymore. This is a change from how it was before and I want to share with you how I do it, as it may help you too.

If you want to get to the place of easily finding time and stillness for yourself, connecting in and finding your own answers and shifting your energy with simple tools, then you are in the right place. We have the ability to change our energy through conscious practises. Here are some of my favorites ways.


Ritual, is repeating the same sequence of activities, which is done in a certain order. We see this reflected in kids with their bedtime routine. You’re probably aware how keeping a regular rhythm for them works really well. We are no different.

A ritual to me is sacred. It's something that feels special and puts you in the right state of mind by following the steps you've outlined. When I sit down to do my morning ritual, I have a set of activities I do which I’ve evolved over time. When I want to go deeper say in my cacao ceremony, this is a longer ritual.

Whether I do a cacao ceremony or just a morning ritual, I keep a menu of the things I love to add in mind, and I pick what I feel like that day. This is how my intuition is woven into the practise.

For me, I start with a meditation. I pick certain oils for certain points on the body. This helps me to ground, center, cleanse other peoples energies, gather my energies back and fortify my aura.

Next I might draw some oracle cards for guidance that I desire and journal some thoughts to help me process or receive more guidance.

Tip: Find your favorite things that serve in your ritual. Put them in a basket and bring it to your special corner or mat to do your ritual.


A few times a week I sit down in ceremony. Ceremony is a longer process that helps me really go deep with myself, receive more guidance and arrive in the moment so I can charge my energy and get clear on my direction.

A ceremony for me feels more formal, so it helps me to take the prolonged time to sit with this, typically 2 hours. I use ceremonial cacao to start the process, but you can use a cup of tea or water and follow the same steps.

Plant medicine

Plant medicine is incredibly powerful to access wisdom and guidance. All plants have their own personality and they contain small bits of information that we get access to when we tune in.

You can use these plants with ignorance and not notice a thing, or you can be very aware and tune into their essence. It make a big difference if it's a pure plant medicine.

When I work with ceremonial Cacao I connect to the spirit of Mama Cacao. She is like a wise woman walking through the jungle. Carrying wisdom and helping you transform. Warming your heart so you can feel more love. Not just others but especially for yourself.

She helps you see the beauty of people around you, cause you never know what they have been through. You can arrive to a place of feeling enough. Where there is nothing to do and nothing to prove. She plants in your hearts pockets of love, understanding, forgiveness and truth.

She is a gift to the world from Mama earth. She brings clarity and awareness to the closed mind and she opens the heart to the sacred world. This bring you closer to nature so you can listen and receive her wisdom and gain clarity. 

Do you want to explore a personal practice with ceremonial cacao?

Click here to receive my favorite cacao recipe sent to your inbox.

And keep reading to the bottom of this blog for an invitation to a free cacao ceremony.

essential oils and their plant spirits

An essential oil can shift your mood in seconds, and can go into your blood stream and cells in 30 seconds. Literally.

You can use your intuition when you work with essential oils, as they call to you. Create a ritual with them by setting up stations and taking your time to sit with them. Get to know each oil and be curious about your experience with each of them. Apply the oil to an acu points and simply sit and see what comes.

My favorites at this moment are:

  • Black Spruce - A big grounding force, roots in the ground

  • Bergamot - The self-love and acceptance oil

  • Wild Orange - The joyful oil of abundance

  • Lavender - Relaxing the body and mind and opens up for truthful communication


Sound healing is such a powerful tool. We know that everything around us is energy. Sound healing stimulates the energy waves that move throughout our bodies and change the vibration. Where we have lower and stuck energy, sound can help to shift it, as the cells starts to resonate with the sound waves.

This works best if you lay still in a meditative state and be receptive. Sound healing can be received in a 1:1 private session (highly recommend), sound baths or even digitally over speakers or headphones. There are lots of great sound healings on spotify and youtube, but I also recommend Rosie Glow.

I learnt Feminine Sound Healing and I apply what I know in my own ceremonies and rituals, combining mediations, oils and cacao. They all work so beautifully together.

When you jump on my newsletter I’ll keep you up to date with my new events for cacao ceremonies, sound healing or essential oil education, as well as sending you invitation to my FREE online community calls.

This months community call is a free online cacao ceremony, and I’m so excited to guide you through this transformational and deep experience with ceremonial cacao. Sign up here.