Higher Ground is an intentional and powerful way to elevate your life
This seven week transformational, live online course, will take your life to the next level in a way which feels well paced and sustainable.
Watch below to hear more about the course, the intention and what you will receive.
Are you in?
Over seven weeks, you will move from feeling overwhelmed and stuck to being in focus, attuned to your inner power and connected with your intuition. All this while being surrounded with a high-vibe community of women who are celebrating each other and are all on the same path.
We’ll change the energy in our homes to support our deepest desires and dreams.
We’ll shift energy in our bodies to increase our capacity for receiving.
We’ll partner with the plant world and nature to power up our intuition and attune our bodies and energy to match our desires.
We’ll create simple and powerful rituals that connect you with your own inner voice and the message you have to offer the world.
Does this sound familiar?
You know you want to take time for yourself, but it’s hard to sit down and actually do it alone.
You’re feeling blocked or stagnant in your work and life in general
You know what you desire and what you need to make it happen, but you keep postponing your needs and your dreams until it’s the perfect timing (someday…)
Your surroundings feel a bit cluttered and stagnant, and you can’t completely relax as it is now.
Now imagine
Trusting your own voice, what you’re hearing from your inner guidance and intuition
Stepping into your home which feels so high-frequency, it reflects and motivates you on who you are and what you’re becoming
Feeling supported and nourished by your workflow, home and surroundings
Having the foundation in your body, mind and home for your next level of growth inside of you
Practicing powerful rituals and having the tools to turn to when you desire a shift in your energy
I am here to remind you that you are powerful AND you are worthy of nourishing yourself
Higher Ground gives you practical tools that you can do with your body, mind and breath, as well as using natural high-vibe plant allies, like essential oils and cacao to support you.
I have spent a decade figuring out how I can serve better and make a greater impact, and stopping myself becoming overwhelmed or taking on too much.
It’s time to share my methods and practises with you
I’ll teach you the tools that have freed up my energy into clarity and connectedness, so you too can receive the messages that are waiting for you to create your best life. You will be able to easily find your flow again when life comes up.
This is for you if
- You are here for something bigger, maybe you have your own business or you want to create a business, but you have been holding yourself back.
- You have been overwhelmed and bogged down by your own limitations, lack of clarity and belief in yourself.
- You’re longing for more in a way which feels aligned
- You’d love more connection with yourself. Being tuned in, tapped in, turned on to life.
- Seeing clearly what the next step is as its being revealed to you.
It’s time to rise up and shine brighter
But to do that, there is a rising that happens in your home.
In the simplistic everyday tasks of you sitting down with you. Where you’re taking the time to train that muscle of turning inwards. It’s not fancy, it's not always fun, but it is important.
This is the foundation to build your dreams on in a way that you can hold and sustain. You know your body, you are tapped into your guidance and you know how to shift your energy when needed. You tend to yourself so you have more to offer your family, and ultimately the world.
This is a place for big dreams, big intentions and the commitment to walk the path and take responsibility for what comes up.
What is included?
This is a 7 week online container where we will build relationships deep within our intuition, nature and our inner voice. The structure is;
3 modules, released bi weekly with a week to explore and integrate before the live call which will occur the following week
4 nourishing live calls on zoom; where we connect, practice some of the techniques together
Our fourth closing call will include a sacred cacao ceremony
Access to a private Telegram community unique for this container
You will receive a welcome gift from me which will include 1 dose of ceremonial cacao for our closing ceremony, as well as a selection of small bottles of essential oils we will be using the most. These will be pre-diluted and filled with loving energy
If you would like to play with ceremonial cacao during the course, you can add on 8 doses of cacao in your cart that will be shipped with your welcome gift. You can also add this on later, with a shipping fee.
Investment & details
€125 early bird - including one dose of ceremonial cacao and small essential oil samples we will use in the program
Cacao add-on is €43 and it comes up as an option after you’ve registered for the course.
The course price rises to €144 after early bird.
Modules will be drip fed over the 7 weeks with live calls in between. It will complete with a closing ceremony. All calls are recorded and you will be send the replays if you can’t make the live events.
Got questions? Here are some answers to popular ones.
Do I need essential oils to do this course?
Yes, and the oils you need the most will be shipped to you in your welcome gift. These are samples, pre-diluted of the highest quality essential oils that I have been able to find. These will last you throughout the course, and I’ll guide you through how to get your own as you will want to continue using essential oils.
Do I need cacao to do this course?
Yes, and I’ll gift you one dose of cacao for the closing ceremony. If you’d like to play more with cacao during the course, you can add on 8 doses cacao in the cart. Cacao is heart opening and helps you connect with your intuition. If you for some reason can’t use ceremonial cacao, you are welcome to use a high quality herbal tea or water for the ceremony.
What if I am already a doTERRA customer?
This course was created so that anyone can join, and it’s not connected to being a dōTERRA customer or not. You might have the oils already, and that is great for continuing to use these practices and to use all the recipes provided. For simplicity everyone will get the same sample oils shipped, and I will have to ship cacao anyway so it wouldn’t change the price. I’m just happy to be able to offer this program at a low cost and available for any team or person who wants to upgrade their life with plant allies.
And what if I’m in a different team?
You are more than welcome. If you send your own customers to my course, I will invite them to keep purchasing from their own account.
What if I’m not “good” at meditation or visualisation?
It’s not about being good, it’s about practicing. It helps that you are open to try it out, and as you practice it gets easier. If this is your first time diving into meditation, welcome. If you are a seasoned meditator, this will be taking you even deeper into your journey and to connect with yourself and plants in a different way.