What is a high vibe lifestyle?
This path of self development is an interesting one. After years dedication and evolving through self care, rituals, cycles and sound, I’ve made some observations about what creates a higher vibe lifestyle. Here's what I've found.
Putting yourself first
To me, the most important aspect of a high-vibe lifestyle is that you start putting your needs and desires as a priority. That you let your desires light your path that you are walking. YOUR desires, not the society, your parents or your partners desires.
You are the most important person in your life. Not in an egotistical way. But in a way where you cannot serve from an empty vessel. How can you be a good partner, parent or business owner when you are not filling your own needs first?
You can’t, and thus you end up overwhelmed and feeling like the “not good enough” partner, parent or business owner.
You can put yourself first AND be of service to others.
When you give yourself permission to do what you need first, you have so much more to offer the world. We need you and your gifts, so take time to nourish yourself every single day, even just for 5 minutes as a start.
Plants as allies
As I’ve explored my inner world and the spiritual realm, I’ve come to really appreciate the plant world. They come with their own inner wisdom and guidance to us, they open doors that may have been resisting an opening, and they gently invite us to see our own magnificence.
My deepest realizations have been through essential oils and with the spirit of cacao. Each essential oil has their own personality, their own essence and wisdom they are here to remind us of. The truth is, I have used essential oils for almost a decade without knowing their spirits personally. It’s only the last year or so I’ve really connected more intentionally with their energies and communicated with them.
The plants are truly our friends, our allies, and they are here to guide us on our path, whatever that might look like.
Start with a few oils that you like and sit down with one at a time. Hold it, smell it, apply it* gently. Hold your hands over the point where you choose to apply it, like over your heart, under your feet, belly or third eye. Close your eyes and feel what you feel. Ask to connect with the spirit of that plant, that oil. Any words, imagery or feeling you get can be of importance. So simply notice and take note. Nothing is wrong and you might brush it off. But please trust your own ability to receive messages, and it gets stronger with practice.
Energy clearing
Your energy is precious. And I’m not talking about your stamina and physical energy. Rather your emotional and energetic body. The one where you can feel other people's feelings and take them on as your own. The one where you feel something is up. Or where you feel lighter when you are in certain environments, nature or smell certain smells.
The way you show up every day is affecting the people around you. If your energy is muddled up by other people's thoughts and feelings, you are not able to be received in the way you are here for.
I am a big advocate for daily rituals, self-care and clearing your own energy. I can notice a big difference in my day, whether I did my energy clearing or not that morning. I am more patient, loving and present with the people around me and also more focused with my work.
If you can set up rituals that set you up for the best day possible, then you are on the right track.
Using your environment
They say that you are the 5 people you surround yourself with the most. I find that to be true in many cases, but there is more to it.
You can use your home to be a reminder of your highest version of you. Like a vision board and a manifestation of who you are becoming.
Does your working space inspire you? Does it remind you and uplift you of your magnificence?
If not, take the time to do something today to clear and lift that energy.
Clear out something that feels cluttered.
Add something that makes you feel good, like a crystal, a plant or a picture.
Use scent to anchor your desired feeling. Like Motivate to feel encouraged to move the needle towards your dreams. Or Forgive to release resentment and old emotions that are holding you back from stepping fully into your own power.
Setting up Rituals & Ceremony
Setting up your own rituals and creating ceremonies for yourself can be incredibly powerful. With your intentions, a candle lit and your journal, you can stay focused on receiving the messages you are desiring.
I love to use meditation, essential oils and cacao to get into the deepest of guidance. And making it a ritual, a set of actions done with intentions, will release some of the resistance and procrastination you often experience.
Give yourself the time and the place, make yourself a little altar of the things you’d like to use in your ritual. It could be flowers, crystals, candles, symbols, essential oils or something else.
Give yourself the time and the place
make yourself a little altar of the things you’d like to use in your ritual. It could be flowers, crystals, candles, symbols, essential oils or something else.
Then decide on an intention and a few steps you will make to tap into that intention. Try it and see how powerful that simple act of intention can be.
If you want to go deeper, play a little with essential oils and ceremonial cacao.
Want to go deeper?
If you loved this blog post and want to dive into these topics, that’s exactly what I’m doing in my new online course, Higher Ground.
This is for you if:
You feel like life could be lived in a better paced way, but you don’t know how.
You feel misaligned and stuck but you feel like just the right tweaks can open up so you can live your magnificent life
You desire to open up to your intuition and trust yourself, and desire support to be able to do that
The best thing is, you’ll be surrounded by other women on the same path, and we’ll do it together. We’ll go on a seven week journey of transformation through:
Creating rituals and creating space you can feel expansive in
Changing the energy in our homes to support our deepest desires and dreams
Shifting the energy in our body and know how to transform it in a short amount of time.
Connecting to our own inner voice and building trust in the messages you have to offer in the world
If this is speaking to you, sign up here to get on the waitlist and be the first to hear when the cart opens next.
*Dilution is recommended 25-50% for adults.